Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to Gain Weight Fast Tips

How to gain weight Fast – Home tips to gain weight

Now after knowing some handy tips how to loss weight there are some tips to gain weight fast. These are very simple and easy tips that we all can use to gain weight naturally without any supplements.

If you are lifting weight then you need to gain weight, people nowadays taking various supplements available in the market which should be avoided instead. If you have a good diet then you need not to take any other supplements to gain weight.

Eat more calories per day: for that you need to do some calculation on the basis of your daily diet. You need to know how much calories your body require which can differ as per your height, activities, weight and your daily routine. On the basis of calculation you can determine what should be your diet to gain weight.

What to eat?

To gain weight you need to take extra amount of proteins and for that you should take dairy products like milk, butter. If you are a non vegetarian person that intake of fish, egg and meat would be advised to gain weight.

If you are a vegetarian person that intake of beans, potatoes, rice, tapioca, pulses and peas would be advised.

Drink milk shakes, eat dried fruits, use yoghurt in your food etc also helps to gain weight.

But just eating and eating is not important. You also need to some kinds of physical activity so that all your food could be convert in health which results in weight gain. There are some kinds of special activities for the same and these are brisk walking, playing, jogging. Work out in gym is very good if you have a good gym with a good trainer near by.

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